// if you specify 3 or more keys
for ( $i = 0; $i < $GLOBALS['SQL_NUM_ROWS']; $i++ )
$temp_result = mysql_fetch_array( $mysql_result, MYSQL_ASSOC );
//chainArray($keys, 0, $temp_result, NULL, $res);
//$res[$temp_result[$key_by]] = $temp_result;
} elseif (count($keys) == 2) {
//optimized 2 keys
for ( $i = 0; $i < $GLOBALS['SQL_NUM_ROWS']; $i++ )
$temp_result = mysql_fetch_array( $mysql_result, MYSQL_ASSOC );
$res[$temp_result[$keys[0]]][$temp_result[$keys[1]]] = $temp_result;
} else {
//optimized 1 key
for ( $i = 0; $i < $GLOBALS['SQL_NUM_ROWS']; $i++ )
$temp_result = mysql_fetch_array( $mysql_result, MYSQL_ASSOC );
$res[$temp_result[$key_by]] = $temp_result;
$res = '';
@mysql_free_result( $mysql_result );
return $res;
/* Function: db_write()
* Syntax: db_write( $query, $db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_password )
* Description: Takes query, writes to the db
* Precondition: $query is not null
* Postcondition: Writes to db, returns nothing
function db_write( $query, $conn_name = "write" )
global $queries;
$queries['write'][] = $query;
$conn = db_connect($conn_name);
$mysql_result = mysql_query( $query, $conn );
if( $mysql_result == FALSE )
trigger_error("DB Write Error: Query = \"". $query ."\"");
trigger_error("DB Write Error: Error = ". mysql_errno($conn).": ".mysql_error($conn) );
$GLOBALS['SQL_INSERT_ID'] = mysql_insert_id($conn);
/**************** DATABASE UTILITY FUNCTIONS **********************/
function db_insert( $table, $data_array, $update_where = '', $replace = false, $conn = "write" )
if ( ! is_array($data_array) )
trigger_error("db_insert() called, but data_array is not an array",E_USER_NOTICE);
if ( $update_where == '' )
$sql_cmd = ($replace ? "REPLACE" : "INSERT")." INTO ";
$sql_end = '';
$sql_cmd = "UPDATE ";
$sql_end = $update_where;
$sql_cmd .= $table." SET ";
foreach ( $data_array as $key => $value )
$sql_cmd .= "$key = '".addslashes($value)."', ";
$sql_cmd = substr($sql_cmd,0,-2).$sql_end;
** Added 04-14-03 by Jesse Janzer
** inserts an array of arrays into a database
** NOTE: you must specify in your array of arrays a 'DBWHERE' key
** if you want the row to be updated
** $foobar[0]['myfatcat'] = 1;
** $foobar[0]['catisblack'] = 'no';
** $foobar[1]['myfatcat'] = 0;
** $foobar[1]['catisblack'] = 'yes';
** $foobar[1]['DBWHERE'] = " WHERE cats.catsId=43 ";
** $ids = db_multi_insert("cats", $foobar);
function db_multi_insert($table, $data_arrays, $replace = false, $conn = "write"){
$columnCheck = false;
if(!is_array($data_arrays) || strlen($table)==0 ){
//trigger_error("db_multi_insert() called, but table !valid or data_arrays is not an array",E_USER_ERROR);
foreach($data_arrays as $key=> $data_array){
if( isset($data_array['DBWHERE']) && (strlen($data_array['DBWHERE']) > 0) ){
//call just the regular db_insert
$WHERE = $data_array['DBWHERE'];
db_insert ($table, $data_array, $WHERE, $replace, $conn);
} else {
//keep chugging till it's over
//build our colstring from the first entry
$colstring = implode(",",array_keys($data_array));
$columnCheck = true;
//This is a safe patch for db_multi_insert see bug: 503
if($colstring != implode(",",array_keys($data_array))){
//we can't safely insert this with the batch, lets insert it through normal 'slower' means
db_insert ($table, $data_array, NULL, $replace, $conn); //there is no where clause at this stage
} else {
//ok so we have an identical 'key' to the 1st entry
//concatenate our VALUE(...) string
//prep it for the database
foreach($data_array as $dkey => $data){
$data_array[$dkey] = "'".addslashes($data)."'";
$insert[] = "(".implode(",",$data_array).")";
if(is_array($insert) && isset($colstring) && (strlen($colstring) > 0) ){
//echo "db_multi_insert: "."INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$colstring.") VALUES".implode(",",$insert)."
$res[] = db_write(($replace ? "REPLACE" : "INSERT")." INTO ".$table." (".$colstring.") VALUES".implode(",",$insert));
return $res;
function db_unique( $table, $column, $value, $same_column = '', $same_value = '', $conn = 'read' )
if ( $same_column != '' )
$where_part = " AND ".$same_column." != '".addslashes($same_value)."' ";
$where_part = '';
$db_result = db_read("SELECT $column FROM $table WHERE $column = '".addslashes($value)."'".$where_part." LIMIT 1",$conn);
if ( isset($db_result[0][$column]) )
// The column is set
// this is not unique
return FALSE;
// There is nothing in the column, this is unique
return TRUE;
function quickChain($keys,$data,&$array){
//$i = 0;
foreach($keys as $kKey => $kVal){
$keyString .= "['".$data[$kVal]."']";
//safer method
if(eval("return (is_array(\$array".$keyString.") ? 1 : 0);")){
//is it an array?
//echo "True
} else {
//ok we need to create the entry then
//is this the last key?
if(count($keys) == $i){
eval("\$array".$keyString." = \$data;");
} else {
eval("\$array".$keyString." = NULL;");
//echo "False
//faster method
eval("\$array".$keyString." = \$data;");
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
//This function builds a skeleton array and pumps that into array_merge_clobber
// chainArray is used on keys in db_read(...)
function chainArray($keys, $currentKey, &$data, $array, &$orig){
//check to see if there is another key after this one
$array[$data[$keys[$currentKey]]] = chainArray($keys, ($currentKey+1), $data, $array, $ar2);
} else {
//this is the final key so set the data to the current array
$array[$data[$keys[$currentKey]]] = $data;
//if there is only one key, we can't return or our orig will not be merged
if(count($keys) > 1){
return $array;
//update the final array
$orig = array();
$orig = array_merge_clobber($orig, $array);
//$orig[$data[$keys[$currentKey]]] = $array[$data[$keys[$currentKey]]];
return $array;
//from php.net does exactly what I want, which is slightly different from array_merge_recursive
function array_merge_clobber($a1,$a2) {
if(!is_array($a1) || !is_array($a2)) return false;
$newarray = $a1;
while (list($key, $val) = each($a2)) {
if (is_array($val) && isset($newarray[$key]) && is_array($newarray[$key])) {
$newarray[$key] = array_merge_clobber($newarray[$key], $val);
} else {
$newarray[$key] = $val;
return $newarray;